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All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff

Today, I waited in the pouring rain for my wife to come pick me up from work. It was only after I was thoroughly drenched that I remembered it was my wife's day off, and that I drove myself to work earlier in her car, which was parked fifty feet from where I was waiting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 681
You deserved it 45 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MattOnFML 13

Ahh man, routines can do that to you sometimes haha. Tough luck


MattOnFML 13

Ahh man, routines can do that to you sometimes haha. Tough luck

It's like when it's summer, you get a whole new routine. When school comes back, it changes again

Couldn't OP have just called on their cell phone? When I am waiting for a ride, I always call the person to confirm and see how far away they are.

33 - Not if it's every day! And unless they're exceptionally late, it seems a little pushy to be calling every time.

Routines are hard to break. OP, why not put a reminder in your cell (in your calendar or alarm) when you take your wife's car to work? That way you're reminded. It's proven that if you write it down (better yet, setting a reminder) you will remember what you wrote.

Why its it that the only thing i can think of to say is "fail"

Ibuki 15

#33 - OP drove to work in his wife's car. It's written right there.

zed34 18

Forgetting things.... Part of getting older. Hope your day turned around!

you should leave your wet shirt in the car as "payback"

you must've been drenched . wonder what the story was when you got home ! lol

soupermeal 10

Well he did say he was thoroughly drenched...

AnOriginalName 19

No, just waiting, from the looks of the story.

10nachoman10 24

Sounds like it was just one of them days!

with the he said she said bullshit *sorry couldnt resist*

28, What the hell are you even talking about? *sorry couldn't resist*.

*Gets home, Wife accuses you of cheating*

OP: "Honey, I'm home, and I'm soaked." Wife: "Yeah, I can see that. You're drenched in another woman's juices. GTFO, and you can leave the car." OP: "But it's just rain!" Wife: "Like hell if I'll believe that you cheating scumbag."

#58 - Cool story, bro! (In all fairness and reality, I actually was rather amused.)

63 - Yeah, it was the first thing that came to mind when I read the cheating comment. Oh the things you say when you haven't had time to sleep in 3 days...

why say "cool story bro" if "in all fairness and reality" you were rather amused??

jw90 18

Happens to the best of us OP. I'll get to work at 5am and get off at 3 and forget where I parked sometimes.

Well that soaks! Yeah? No one..? Okay...

Gingerette 8

I hope she's not mad at you for getting her car all wet...

OMG WHY WOULD SHE BE MAD THIS IS A TERRIBLE what the 3 idiots who thumbed this comment down were thinking.

she would be mad because he was drenched when he got in the car... some people are anal about getting their seats wet I.e. my father who made me ride the bus from long beach to woodland hills because I forgot a third towel for the seat.

zakkyzebra 11

"Third" towel? Do you need two to dry off?

Beach towel for the sand. Clean towel for drying off.