See ya later

By myhairgetsfrizzywhenwet - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my sister drove past me while I was walking home in the rain. She honked to let me know she was there, and kept on driving. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 176
You deserved it 3 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

To make the situation more interesting, you should have stolen and hot-wired a parked car, and chased after her in high speed pursuit.

you should've collected rain water and then poured it on her after you got home yelling "see how it feels, dirty ****!"


OP, are you kidding me? Your life is ****** because you have to walk in the rain? YDI

Aznboifreakster 0
crashbob 0

You need to capitalize the "I" and that is a comma splice. Mrs. Mercer would be so proud of me right now. :)

did no one notice OP's username???

you should have gone home, slashed her tires, and honked just to let her know she's fuked 

bringmepieskm 0

Drain her radiator. Let's see how she likes it when her engine seizes and she's stranded at the side of the road.

ddubsoldiergrl 0
captainTexas84 0

1. give yourself a bloody nose 2. tear up your clothes a little 3. call the cops and give them her licence plate # and then say she kidnapped you beat you up then kicked you out in the rain 4. sit back and watch them take her to the big house