Seller appreciation day

By Anon. - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I had to look at my positive eBay feedback to feel loved. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 480
You deserved it 6 336

Top comments

BaBiiSpAnKy821 0

I LOVE YOU (: now u can change it to "i had to look at my fml's comments to feel loved" (:

Qbaniito 1

They don't love you, they love whatever you were selling.


Low self esteem isn't exactly a self inflicted thing. I have severe depression (and for the people I know will say, "oh that's probably self diagnosed", it's not so don't even start.) and I constantly feel bad about myself. People like you don't help boost self confidence much either, dude.

halfpastdead 0

I would like to know why everyone is inclined to act cruel and immature. =/ You try living with low self-esteem, okay? It's not something easily fixed. If you say it is, you haven't experienced anything like it. @ OP: There are people who care for you. At times it may not seem like it, but there are.

beauty88 0

the fact that your username is anon kinda explains it....

Are you for real? Theres better and worse FML's that couldv'e took this lames spot! wtf YDI

But now you can look at you FML comments for love!WE LOVE YOU ANONYMOUS WOMAN FORM MANCHESTER!

hey i luv u unless u act like my old teachers

Why, cause you ***** yourself out through it?

floobl11121 0
floobl11121 0

and everybody shut the **** up with all these abriviations like YDI and shit your not cool