By awkward - 05/09/2017 12:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a friend's "party". Everyone bailed but my friend didn't say anything, so it's just me and my girl. The train tickets alone cost £20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 296
You deserved it 421

Same thing different taste

Top comments

8 don't see how this is a fail. You spent time with a friend who if you would have bailed would have been depressed.

As someone who just had a birthday party where most of the 18 guests bailed, leaving me with only 4 (and then 2 when half of them had to leave early) I have to say that it's probably really meaningful to that friend that SOMEONE didn't bail. I say more F their life for having sucky friends.


thatslifeiguess7 16

I don't think this person is a friend! dump this friend and find honest people

Op? No, they're an absolute shit friend if they only want to spend time with a supposed friend if there's a bunch of people around and it's financially convenient.

8 don't see how this is a fail. You spent time with a friend who if you would have bailed would have been depressed.

So quickly find nice restaurant that you can afford and take your girl out for a romantic dinner.

Hey, I'm throwing a party. You and yo girl should come, promise there will be lots of people there!

As someone who just had a birthday party where most of the 18 guests bailed, leaving me with only 4 (and then 2 when half of them had to leave early) I have to say that it's probably really meaningful to that friend that SOMEONE didn't bail. I say more F their life for having sucky friends.

What a great response Cacheson! It made me smile ?

Lobby_Bee 17

I would like to think you went to his party because of friendship, but it looks like otherwise.

Had to go with YDI. Because this sounds more like an FML for the friend. Who had ALL his/her shitty friends cancel. Including yourself, had you had the chance to do SO.

YDI if your first thought is what a waste of time this was. turn it into a positive experience, and find something to do wherever you ended up. If it sucked that much to spend time with your girl, I hope she dumps you.