By my dumb bro - 17/04/2013 16:13 - United States - Gillham

Today, I woke up to my brother chopping all my bangs off. When I yelled at him, he could only shout back, "You can see clearly now, the bangs are gone!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 409
You deserved it 8 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmm. I'm missing some information here... Was he like 3 or 4 years old, or like 16?

Ask him if it will be harder to see with two black eyes... That sucks, OP (Keep in mind I'm saying this under the assumption that her brother isn't too young)


Hmm. I'm missing some information here... Was he like 3 or 4 years old, or like 16?

It was a reference to the song, so I'm guessing about 16.

If I had to guess it would be somewhere around 3... Maybe 3.141592653589793? Yes it's a Pi reference. Everyone loves Pi.

onealmxwilson 18

But unfortunately 58, no one loves your comment.

It definitely wasn't Pi's fault though.

77- Yea I see that :(. Mind sharing some of your likes?

Ask him if it will be harder to see with two black eyes... That sucks, OP (Keep in mind I'm saying this under the assumption that her brother isn't too young)

19- No. No it wasn't. It was quite clever... Unless you were posting to the OP. In that case, you should comment, not reply...

Did he later say: "It’s gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright) Sun-Shiny day? "

Aw you got downvoted so much cause you didn't beat #2 to it:( Lol i thumbed up you both :))

idc_liv_jdk 3

Literally something I would say lmao?

I could see that happening if your brother is much younger but either way FYL

You're so ******* witty! You beat my comment, as always!

Maybe If he dyed her blonde too her could've finished that verse