Sex ed 101

By clapping_for_you - 14/12/2018 12:30

Today, during a private discussion, my teenage son confessed to me he finally lost his virginity several weeks ago. Why did he confess? He came to me to ask why it all of a sudden hurts when he pees, and asked if it could have anything to do with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 300
You deserved it 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MA_medQ 7

It’s not really an FML for you though, is it? Hopefully, you can take him to the doctor, get it fixed and then it’s a valuable lesson learned for him. No big deal. If you mean it’s an FML for you because he didn’t make the connection between sex and it hurting when he pees then once again - it’s not really an FML for you, is it? More like an FML for him. Also, what’s up with the eclipses in this post?


Could just be a simple UTI that can be cleared up easily. Don't panic yet. Hopefully it's just coincidental that it happened after he had sex. But a UTI could be caused from that too.

maroongrad 13

...and THIS is why you have the discussion about STDs, getting tested, using condoms, and knowing the history and status of your partner. Preferably BEFORE a kid has sex. There are a lot more STD cases in teens than when people our age were in school, mostly thanks to abstinence-only education for 8 years. :( We're talking LOTS more. At least he didn't tell you about it hurting when he pees and follow it up with an ultrasound of a grandbaby on the way. And...cross your fingers that he doesn't have a drug-resistant form of an STD. Those are pretty common...and can be extremely hard to cure. Knowing the basics of safe sex is NOT something a parent can slack on.

whiskey'swino 15

You are a good parent because your kid had the trust and safety to ask for help from you. For all the YDI- I had the same experience with my father when I was a teenager. Except it was my first bladder infection. Highly embarrassing but I was grateful to have a nonjudgemental parent to help.

In my opinion, at least he was honest with you and acknowledged he needed help. It’s kind of hard to be open as a guy to your mother about sex. So you should be happy he spoke so you can help him.

You should have taught him about safe sex

Not why all YDI? I think he’s lucky to have a parent he can trust enough to say that to. Good job. Now, let’s all hope he only has a UTI and not something more serious.

Antibiotics cleanse many sins. Both of you have learned valuable life lessons from this: You, that you need to get your kid some condoms and to the Planned Parenthood sex ed site; him, that he needs to use both.