Sexy time

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, a friend and I drove all the way from Texas to a small town in Colorado to spend an entire uninterrupted night together. Not only did he forget to bring condoms but everything was closed by the time we got into town. We ended up playing cards on the bed instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 449
You deserved it 46 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HuskyButt 0

I just wonder why someone wants sex with "a friend". And yeah, like #2 said, there ways to have fun without condoms.

diemoelol 0

Awww, haha. That's actually kind of sweet to me.


>... not only did he forget to bring condoms... There's the reason your life sucks! Your life would be better if you looked at it as, 'not only did WE forget to bring condoms'. Totally YOUR FAULT, Loser.

itskaylayo1 0

YDI for driving to Colorado from Texas to have sex.

CynicComedian 2

Stupid ass. You drive a couple hundred miles just to have sex...with someone you're not even dating??? You're telling us, in the entire state of Texas, there's NOWHERE you can go to be alone? And to top it off, you don't even have the sense to make a checklist of things to bring before leaving? Seriously, punch yourself in the twat repeatedly and make sure you can never reproduce.

AmpulexCompressa 0

So clearly sex was number one on your list of priorities... but how did oral sex fall lower on the list than playing cards?

tokyooo123 0

YDI, because if there's a will, there's a way...

Haha you must have been in the middle of nowhere in Colorado then Cause there are soo many places that stay open alll the time for you to be able to get condoms

YDI for relying on the guy to bring condoms if you thought you were going to have sex you should always bring some yourself just in case

waterynuggets 0

YDI for driving that long just to **** for one night and leaving the dick slips behind.

astromaroon 0

comments like this are SO ******* goddamn annoying. the "YDI's" that basically copy the whole FML. for a minor example "today i slipped on a banana. fml." ******* vapid moron reply "YDI for slipping on a banana" seriously. wtf. its a **** MY LIFE therefore no ******* SHIT. god. i hate people trying to liek contradict EVERY SINGLE one of these. those are the people i hate most in life, those ******* twats that contradict everything that happens- either shit you say or do or live. and it leads them into a world of endless hypocrisy because they have no mind. ugh. god. i just needed to rant after seeing all these YDI. such losers. reserve YDI for soenone who REALLY ******* had karma heading their way to kick their ass, and ass they did kick. **** man so many deadbrains reading this site. or 14 year olds it appears.

FallEnlightening 0
waterynuggets 0

Take yer meds, sweetie pie. Also, what made you reply to me instead of the other similar comments here? Aww, go me!

splark 0

Assuming neither of the people mentioned have STDs, the poster should have had sex anyways. It's fairly difficult to get pregnant, considering the window for fertility is small. Plus, she could have used plan B, or abortion, if she found out later that she was pregnant. Obviously this is not suitable as a method of birth control all the time, but this seems like an isolated incident of forgetting condoms. Choices! They exist. Plus, if the poster knows this "friend" so well, there should be future opportunities to get it on. Conclusion: L is not F'd.