Sexy time

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, a friend and I drove all the way from Texas to a small town in Colorado to spend an entire uninterrupted night together. Not only did he forget to bring condoms but everything was closed by the time we got into town. We ended up playing cards on the bed instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 449
You deserved it 46 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HuskyButt 0

I just wonder why someone wants sex with "a friend". And yeah, like #2 said, there ways to have fun without condoms.

diemoelol 0

Awww, haha. That's actually kind of sweet to me.


it's pretty simple - the morning after pill!!!!!!!!!

FML6 0

never heard of pulling out? or just make each other ****** without having actual sex its called using your mind

R0lling_St0ner 0

hey at least it'd be a funny story and you could laugh about it later besides if you guys really were a good couple you could have fun with each other regardless of what your doing as long as your spending time with each other =]

U know now to carry ur own fact I trusted my bf of 4 month n used his... 2months later I found out im pregnant.. Jis brother told me he poked holes in it cause he was worried id leave him.. I did 2weeks b4 my pregnancy test.. I left him cuz he seemed sneaky...i was right.. Im due next month hes still not my bf n no matter how much I love my baby already....FML

magankn 0

this is sweet but if you guys went to have sex and everything but forgot the condoms what made you bring some cards to play with lol