Sexy time

By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, a friend and I drove all the way from Texas to a small town in Colorado to spend an entire uninterrupted night together. Not only did he forget to bring condoms but everything was closed by the time we got into town. We ended up playing cards on the bed instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 449
You deserved it 46 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HuskyButt 0

I just wonder why someone wants sex with "a friend". And yeah, like #2 said, there ways to have fun without condoms.

diemoelol 0

Awww, haha. That's actually kind of sweet to me.


I like how taking a chance on getting someone preggers is a-ok, but you better stay away from those got-damn STD's! You're obviously male. I honestly don't think a single night of "ZOMG HOT SEX" is worth taking such a high risk. And I think it's laughable to suggest she simply take Plan B or get an abortion. Are you even marginally aware of the risks associated with both of these options? Let's start with Plan B. Extreme Nausea, stomach pain, ECTOPIC PREGNANCY, potentially fatal allergic reactions, extremely heavy bleeding... the list goes on. And the risks associated with a medical mifepristone abortion are much greater, including the potential to bleed so heavily you need a blood transfusion, or YOU DIE. And don't get me started on methotrexate. This isn't even taking into consideration that these procedures can cost you anywhere from $500 to well over $1000. I agree that her L is not F'd, but seriously...? I fear for your future if these are your ideas of viable "options."

As you said if splark is a guy then "options" don't concern him at all so that's probably why he sees them as good choices.

What? Window for preggers is small? Don't you mean the window for YOU'RE DEFINITELY 100% GETTING PREGNANT is small? Don't know if you know this, but sperm can live about a week in wait for an egg. That's how you can get pregnant even with your period going on. There is still a chance of pregnancy if sperm even gets only on the EDGES of the ****** (that's why the pull out method doesn't work). We're a weird lot, we women; we can so easily get pregnant it's not funny.. literally, it's not funny at all lol, but that is why condoms and such exist. And yeah, definitely what 240 said. And, I'm pro-choice, but getting an abortion just because you (and your boyfriend) were stupid enough to not use a condom when you knew you should have? That's definitely a **** no. Really... what the hell is wrong with you, splark? Do you not know anything of responsibility, or is your mind in your pants all the time?

Mah, wait, it isn't quite so weird, now that I've taken a good look at myself. We may be highly intelligent, but once just about any sort of animal gets in their mind to attack us, most of us are ******. WE MUST REPRODUCE SO WE DON'T GO EXTINCT... at least, that's how it was. Not anymore, but yeah, I guess it's not weird. [/randomandunimportant]

Splark, I'm definately on your side these women are just being uneducated vaginas. z0mg HOT SEX is TOTALLY worth taking such a high risk. even though the risk is about 8% (I guess it really all depends on your definition of 'high risk'." Plan B is the same thing as regular birth control but in a higher dose. Ectopic pregnancy? Maybe in extremely rare isolated cases where it would have happened anyway. Do you even know how it works? The same way as any other birth control pill. It elevates progesterone levels in the body to trick it into thinking it's already pregnant and thus the egg exits the ****** without ever attaching to the uterine lining. In fact if you call your dog and tell him you forgot to take your birth control and then had unprotected sex do you know what he'll say? "Take 6 pills right now and you'll be fine." Hence why you have 7 placebo pills-- it's for you to have your period. Oh and if you didn't know... if you skip those and go right to your next pack of pills you won't have your period since your body thinks you're pregnant already. And also, the bleeding in plan B is only slightly more than normal since it's like 7 days of blood coming out in 3. Allergic reactions-- you'll know already if you're going to be allergic to it because you will also be allergic to regular birth control pills. Nausea- Yeah, sorry ladies (but not always!). Stomach pain- Again, glad I'm a dude (and again, not always!). But hey-- a night of great sex *could* be worth it. I guess it all depends on your point of view, how horny you are, and whether he can convince you that he's worth it. And yes, abortions are expensive and have many many more implications aside from just cost in dollars. Wouldn't recommend it.

While Plan B may have the same hormones as birth control, it is in much, MUCH higher doses. Seeing as you're male, you couldn't possibly understand the wacko shit the hormones in BC can do to a woman's body, but trust me on this one. Unfortunately, I've had quite a bit of experience.

yes yes, take the risk so someone like smpat04 / splark can be a donor who doesnt pay child support... younger people have difficulty understanding just how much a kid will effect your life.

Most of these people suggesting that she should do anal as a substitute for having sex are obviously guys who have never had a dick shoved up their ass. Not only is it (mostly) only pleasurable for the guy, it can also be, depending on the guy's penis size, uncomfortable or even painful for the girl. It's not really something that I would let someone who was just my friend do to me. It's different for everyone, but I don't think that it's really a good substitute for sex. It's usually just part of a sexual escapade. OP and friend should have planned ahead better. Lesson learned for next time. The end.

The_Cait 0

Protection is a two way street, friend. Bring your own!

... Just have sex. Abortion isn't illegal, and- if you're having pre-marital sex- not immoral.

lilone08 0

at least the OP wasnt like many people that would just say screw it and take the risk and have sex without a condom resulting in a possible unwanted pregnancy or std. i applaud u OP for having some common sense. :)

There are plenty of other fun sexual, non-intercourse things to do. You guys need to seriously reevaluate your relationship. Hands, toys, tongues... Sex fail. YDI

I don't believe this one. There's always at least one place that's open 24/7.

littlebrittle77 0