
By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 14:25 - Australia

Today, I was at a party with my boyfriend. There were some tents set up out the back so we decided to go in one. When we came out we got weird looks. It turns out my friend had turned on some lights behind the tent, showing a huge silhouette of me giving head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 656
You deserved it 36 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is both a FML and a YDI. FML because everyone saw it, but YDI for giving head at a party, even if it was your boyfriend.


Judgment99 0

Yeah well, ***** don't do well in life.

hungergames222 4

It was her BF. she's not a **** or a *****, it's not like she was doing it to every guy at the party. She was doing it to her boyfriend!

Glam_fml 0

Yeah, because she is obviously a **** for giving her BOYFRIEND head. So what if they saw? Most couples do sexual things together.

In public it just seems a little desperate. Why couldn't you just wait?

how is that desperate 34? you obviously don't know how to have a good time every once in awhile. pull that pickle out of your ass and do something random and exciting before you die. she gave her man head in a tent at a party. cheers!

It's extremely trashy to give head at someone's party, in my opinion.

firenighthawk 3

Oh, go **** yourself. Seriously, if the boyfriend had posted this FML instead and said "everyone saw my GF giving me head", nobody would call HIM a *****. They're together - couples do things together. She deserves it for doing this shit at a party, not because she's a "*****", you dumb ****. That's okay, though. You're probably just a very bitter person because nobody wants to suck your dick because your face looks like a ******* boulder.

pickwick716 0

shit! how do you get a face like a boulder? lmao! anyways, OP's not a ***** for giving her boyfriend head! For **** sake, if they're together, how the hell is it slutty?

ohhhhh I feel ur pain me and my gf got caught and FYI it doesn't make u a ****!!!!!!!!

beannlove 7

technically, they did. they went in the tent, but unfortunately for them they didnt notice the light displaying their sexual activities.

Ydi and eww his skeet and pee dirty weewee was all up in to mouth

Why would u give your boyfriend head at a party. Also ur friend is a major douche for doing that. FYL and YDI.

The friend didn't know that's what they were doing since normal people don't do that at parties

Thompson34 0

im really horny and also incredibly small down below, any takers?