
By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 14:25 - Australia

Today, I was at a party with my boyfriend. There were some tents set up out the back so we decided to go in one. When we came out we got weird looks. It turns out my friend had turned on some lights behind the tent, showing a huge silhouette of me giving head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 656
You deserved it 36 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is both a FML and a YDI. FML because everyone saw it, but YDI for giving head at a party, even if it was your boyfriend.


SunshineX7 17

It is an ancient ceremony in which someone selects an animal sacrifice (preferably a bear or wolf), covers it in syrup, amd dances around it naked, screaming Viking war chants. When the sacrifice falls asleep from the chants, the giver in the ceremony removes its head and gives it to the receiver. It's a time honored tradition of America, I'm shocked you haven't learned about it in school.

Kk_320 if you don't know what giving head means, then you are to young for the internet.

Uepari 0

KK_320, get off the internet. That's like asking someone in RL what walking is. OP: YDI. You should have either done it home or in front of everyone. Showing shadows of it is just cruel. ; )

hahahahah omg this was funny. FYL for sure, but its funny.. yeah i dont think you're a **** or a *****. i mean sure it was a friend's party these things should be left at home but you didnt mean to give them a show.. still that's pretty funny.... i dunno about those weird looks, i bet they thought it was hot.

efmivida 0

this is epic, total fml you definatley did not deserve that i hope you gave them a good show though

iSushix3 0

YDI, wtf r u doing giving ur bf head at a PARTY? wut u culdnt wait?? dumbass

are you sure you weren't just doing something else that looked like giving head? Then, after that, you reached into the duffel bag and started digging stuff out while Austin Powers made double entendres, leading the guards outside to believe you were in fact removing the objects from his rectum?