
By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 14:25 - Australia

Today, I was at a party with my boyfriend. There were some tents set up out the back so we decided to go in one. When we came out we got weird looks. It turns out my friend had turned on some lights behind the tent, showing a huge silhouette of me giving head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 656
You deserved it 36 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is both a FML and a YDI. FML because everyone saw it, but YDI for giving head at a party, even if it was your boyfriend.


Fsqu4red 5

Omg!! I was at a party and the same thing happened.

clue_me_in 20

YDI for doing it at someone's party. Do you or your bf not have a home...or somewhere private?

Well that should have been expected. Some people's kids.

GingerRoot 13

Always be careful at parties so you don't get caught with your pants down

Blunt w/chip on shoulder 3

surprised the looks were weird but that's what u get for being adventurous lol