
By SickMaMa - 09/12/2014 22:39 - United States - Cortland

Today, my daughter wasn't feeling well, so we allowed her to sleep in bed with us. She snuggled right up with my husband. I felt a little jealous until she turned around and cuddled with me, just long enough to throw up all over me. She then flipped back over and snuggled with her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 800
You deserved it 4 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Toughsky 23

I wouldn't take it too seriously OP. Yeah she turned just to vomit on you but it really doesn't mean much. I'm sure she just didn't know what to do when she felt the need to vomit and just turned around.


You know, I actually don't think this was on purpose because I can recall memories from my own childhood when I was sick and threw up. I had no idea that it was going to happen until it actually hit me and it did. I would actually say odds are that your daughter didn't know she was going to throw up when she rolled over to your side. Naturally she would roll back over to her father, she won't want to lay in it!!!

Usually girls are into their fathers more than their mothers

My daughter is a complete daddy's girl! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who feels a little jealous sometimes. I hope your little girl feels better soon!

atleast she wants to snuggle with your husband. when I was little I didn't like my dad.

jawarston 24

She has to be going through the Electra complex. It's similar to the Oedipus complex. Look it up if you don't understand one is for boys and the other for girls

Jealous of a CHILD? Are you serious????? YDI

Getting jealous of your own child? What's wrong with you?

lummiiss 3

I'm sure she didn't mean it in a negative way