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By shtzbutnogiggles - 17/05/2016 14:10 - United States

Today, I was at a concert and I was having so much fun. Unfortunately, this was cut short when the person behind me with the worst halitosis started singing along to the songs. He knew ALL the lyrics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 156
You deserved it 1 029

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It could've been worse: he could've kept singing WITHOUT knowing the lyrics!

There's always that one person who knows all the lyrics and has to sing along! some times its me :3


It could've been worse: he could've kept singing WITHOUT knowing the lyrics!

I do this frequently whenever I get a new Broadway album. My husband thinks it's funny that I still sing along even when sometimes I only get the vowel sounds.

Could have been worse, at least he knew the lyrics

There's always that one person who knows all the lyrics and has to sing along! some times its me :3

If you were standing, you could've moved away. If you were seated, that sucks big time.

I don't like posts where I have to google words in order to understand

Think of FML's as an opportunity to expand your mind and your vocabulary then... (kind of like a funky mushroom)

I'm sure OP is devastated to have posted this without having first checked the full extent of your personal vocabulary then. As #7 said, use it as an opportunity to learn new things. For anyone else ignorant of the meaning, halitosis = bad breath.

Not everyone here is a native English speaker

Couldn't you have at least guessed based on the context?

silverwolffox 8

As this is a given for most things, in this case it wouldn't help many people. By context I had thought it could be a speech impairment or something like that, which is way off!

I don't understand the point of going to a concert and then singing along. You go there to hear the actual band perform, not to be part of the performance- it'd be like going to a Broadway play production and reading off the script while the actors tried to do their jobs. If the band tells the crowd to sign along for part of the performance, that's one thing, but it just seems rude to sing if they haven't. I'd be a bit pissed if I shelled out who knows how much for a ticket to a band, only to be unable to hear them over the hundreds of Shiite covers going on in the crowd.

The reason you go to a concert is for the atmosphere. If you want to listen to the band buy a CD.

diredonger150 5

Halitosis is just a fake disease coined by Listerine search it up. Bad breath still exsists though.

Stiggy626 25

halitosis is chronic bad breath, just as eczema is chronic dry skin. look it up

#14: And the moon landing is just a fake event created by NASA to make money, too! On a completely unrelated note, you wouldn't happen to have any light, metal headgear I could borrow, would you?

that1dude1 8

Was this Bad Company per chance?