By maddiecat - 08/01/2013 05:34 - United States - Saint Louis
Same thing different taste
By zaynemaliksvagina - 24/06/2015 17:10 - United States - Shrewsbury
By annoyed - 02/11/2012 10:37 - United States - Wyoming
By shtzbutnogiggles - 17/05/2016 14:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/03/2019 20:00
By concertqueen - 27/08/2011 22:40 - United States
Ah, teenage love…
By Anonymous - 14/11/2022 19:00 - United States - Mineral
By Les Miserables is so sad - 02/01/2013 23:38 - Canada - Saint Albert
By Anonymous - 28/10/2014 21:58 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/03/2011 05:14 - United States
By authorx - 27/06/2013 04:39 - Canada - Toronto
Top comments
That's what wrestling does to you buddy.
Maybe she should sing les?
I mean if she really wanted to sing along she could have done it under her breath so no one could hear. That's what I did
Or if she knew she had a problem singing maybe she could rent the DVD than mangle the song to her hearts content on the privacy of her own home.
You should of pop'd him one in the head for saying that.
Does anybody else think it's a douche move for a guy to dump pop all over a girl, even if she was singing?
109, nope. There's a special circle of hell for people who talk or, in this case, sing during a movie. OP got the very least of what she deserved. I'd say that regardless of either party's gender.
Yes. They should have just had OP removed from the theater and seen if they could get their money back for another ticket if they actually had to leave the room to get an usher or whatever to do so.
I dunno. It'd be worth a five dollar soda to me not to have to leave and find the usher. I work on a pretty tight schedule, so when I'm at a movie, that is the movie that i have time and intent to see. If I have to leave, even if I get a free ticket to a later show, odds are I'm not going to make it back before it expires.
#115 Totally agree. What kind of malfunction do you have to have to think your singing in a movie theater would be appreciated by an audience that came to see professional actors perform a classic musical and pay those prices for popcorn and soda? Maybe I personally wouldn't have dumped soda on her head but I certainly would have clapped.
Someone in my town got stabbed with a meat thermometer for taking during a movie. So a bath of soda doesn't seem so bad to me lol
#141 This is why I never go to a movie without my meat thermometer. It is a pastime of mine check peoples body temperature when they are doing something idiotic. I would like to talk to Docbastard about doing a paper on this for JAMA.
No, people come to see a movie not to have THAT person next to them singing along. Op could've atleast whisper sang.
I agree. I would never
No. The sex of the people doesn't matter. He could have handled it better but she was being an annoying, inconsiderate bitch and I'm sure he wasn't the only one who wanted to do that to her.
I agree couldn't he have just nicely asked her to stop first?
people go to shows to watch and listen to them, now listen to other people drowning it out with their singing, YDI
not* damn!
Perdix, are you secretly Amélie Poulain?
It's a musical. People are going to sing along. Don't go to a see a musical if you don't want to hear it
Yes it's a musical. And you go to hear the actors sing. Not the tone deaf dick beside you.
Actually then they would just watch it at home. You go to shows plays films etc to experience things as a group.
You definitely deserve it but the pop dumping is uncalled for. I'm sure a simple STFU would have sufficed.
I agree, but for a different reason. Do you realize just how expensive movie theatre soda pop is?
Yes but if they lowered the prices by even less than half, more people would buy snacks and drinks. When we went to see the Hobbit, my sister in law paid over a hundred dollars for four peoples tickets plus drinks and popcorn. I used to manage a doesn't cost enough to run the movies as they make off the crap they sell.
Not only is the soda expensive, but the movie theater by me wants a bottle of Dasani for $5.75. That's even more expensive then a box of candy.
And I'm sorry, but Dasani is crap. As for you, OP, maybe having soda dumped on your head was uncalled for, but really, don't sing along in the movie theatre.
This explains why the local 1-room theater shut down. They had really good prices for food. No reason to try to bring your own in. They even cooked pizza and brought it to you in your seat.
133 - Water does not all taste the same, there are various minerals in the water that give it taste. Also I have to agree Dasani taste horrible.
I'm going to go read a study about people's actual ability to even distinguish bottled water from tap, then come back here and laugh at you. Ya damn bottled water snobs.
I've done a blind taste test on types of water and while I couldn't distinguish them all I definitely got some right, Dasani was one of them. They definitely taste different
I've done a blind taste test on types of water and while I couldn't distinguish them all I definitely got some right, Dasani was one of them. They definitely taste different
192, if you can't tell the difference between tap and bottled water, I recommend you learn. Google some of the research that has been done on the subject of fluorine in the water supplies, and the effects it can have on IQ and other neurological functions, it's scary shit dude. Not to sound like a conspiracy weirdo, but there's something off with all that. Just my thoughts, though.
It's either have incredibly small amounts of fluorine in our water or have rotting teeth for half of the population.
#205-- Or we could, you know... Take better care of our teeth... Besides, there's a lot of sketchy history behind the fluorine thing. Something about getting rid of factory waste. I don't remember most of it. But yeah, I'm pretty sure bottled water has fluorine in it, too, it's worse for the environment, and it's more expensive so...
He should have asked you to be quiet first if you were bugging him, dumping soda over someone is mean and humiliating. Still, he didn't pay to hear you sing. Maybe next time just mouth the words.
Maybe he did and the annoying OP didn't include that part...
They came for the show not your voice.
One does not simply, sing-along during Les Mis...
You totally deserved that. People are paying good money to listen to the show, not you. Save that for in the shower.
Well, OP might be a really bad singer, so I can understand the other guy's rage.
Angry as he was, he didn't need to be that rude. Coulda just told her to shut the hell up and been done with it.
You were disturbing others. I don't want to say that you necessarily deserved exactly what happened. The guy could have handled the situation differently.
I'll say it, it was deserved. Practically asking for it.
I think you missed the point of the comment. People go to Rocky Horror Picture Show to sing- or at least they used to.
That's hilarious. You must have really pissed him off

You must have sounded miserable
people go to shows to watch and listen to them, now listen to other people drowning it out with their singing, YDI