Slapstick manners

By jake - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as my girlfriend and I were on a romantic dinner for two, I tried pulling out the chair for her. She fell over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 610
You deserved it 6 403

Top comments

Olovio 5
flockz 19

boy: "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" girl: "AWWWW thats so sweeet!!!" boy: "because your face is really ****** up" girl: "......"


FMLinCA 12

I totally thought it was freakin hilarious too. Romantic much? Lol.

It's the thought that counts!...Just hope you couldn't see the thoughts of others by their facial expression. Awkward. FYL

I like how all the females are like awww at least he tried. he pulled it back as she was sitting down he did it for comedy value no fml here just fhl bet she still put out

This is great and something to just laugh about

you do understand that he was trying to be a gentleman and pull the chair out for his date, and not purposefuly cause her to fall right? Oh wait, you're eleven and an up and coming troll, nvrm