Slapstick manners

By jake - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, as my girlfriend and I were on a romantic dinner for two, I tried pulling out the chair for her. She fell over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 610
You deserved it 6 403

Top comments

Olovio 5
flockz 19

boy: "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" girl: "AWWWW thats so sweeet!!!" boy: "because your face is really ****** up" girl: "......"


aaaaaaw at least she knows you were trying to be a gentlemen

Y da **** wud u pull da chair out dat far? ****** moron... Hate bitch ass like you!!

pyrogirl6622 0

Wow no wonder by a gentleman went out of style too many woman said stop before you end up killing me! Lol

thiscrazything 1

Haha, that's very funny, but I hope she is ok. Don't give up trying to do nice things.

HarrietPotter239 0

Are you Alex Turner? She would have understood if you are.

HarrietPotter239 0

If you don't get it then look up the discography of Arctic Monkeys.