Slashing Prices Left and Right!

By Charity - 20/03/2017 17:00 - United States

Today, I tutored a kid for two hours, for $25 an hour. When it came time for them to pay, my mother told the kid's parents that they could give me ten bucks for the whole thing. She does this a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 149
You deserved it 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It happens because you let it. Tell them the kid won't be tortured until balance is paid in full


Next time, in front of the parents, look your mom straight in the eye and say, "Gee mom, I'm going to have to start tutoring you! $25 an hour times 2 is $50, not $10!" Then give an awkward laugh and look straight at the parents for your payout. You mom will look stupid and stop. I'm assuming that this is more of a jealousy thing. Mom is jealous her daughter is making $25 an hour. Making her feel stupid might make her stop. If she's doing it for other reasons, it may not work.

Instead of tutored I read it as tortured, but it's the same thing right

She owes you $40 then. Let the parents know that the $25 an hour fee is non negotiable, despite what your mother says.

This is when you completely remove any involvement from your mother. If you value your money, she won't be anywhere near that child or the family. If she still does it, she's paying the difference. Hell, get the parents to sign a written contract on it, so your mother can't change the price. Withdraw your services until your dues are paid! Two hours of your time doing tutoring is worth nowhere near ten dollars! For ten dollars, I'd feel I'd get my money's worth for a night's movie rental, not having my kids be taught potentially valuable mental skills that could get them a job in the future!

HalfLit 17

My mother did that to me too. She would often volunteer me for baby sitting for her friends for free without any consent or notice to me whatsoever. When I was a teenager it enraged me. Now that I'm an adult I've learned that there are more important things than money.

Msybe you should do the tutoring at the kids house. That way your mother won't be there.