Smooth gym bro

By Dkim620 - 07/01/2013 03:16 - United States

Today, I was running on the treadmill at my local gym when I saw a girl I like a lot. I called out to her to say hi. As she was coming over, I accidentally stepped on the belt with one foot, crashed down on the treadmill, and continued to slide down in front of her, emerging with a gashed knee and arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 498
You deserved it 4 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roguedork19 8

This would be the perfect time to use one of those cheesy "I just fell for you" pickup lines ;)


cowboyup92 3

Sometimes I just want to know how these things turn out

Hluveradi 10

That's an epic way to say hi! I hope she found it funny. Girls love guys who can make them laugh!

Hey, at least you made quite the entrance

"I think I just fell for you!" Continued by you saying, "Will you kiss me and make all this pain go away?"

on the bright side you know how to make her laugh

on the bright side you know how to make her laugh...

bigtime_rocker 11

******' Murphy! I feel your pain, brother! (So to speak)

Mf2307 15

you must of felt pretty embarrassed after doing that

Pretend you meant to do that, and tough it through. Just be all, "Sup."

Another man FALLS victim to the plague of love!