Smooth gym bro

By Dkim620 - 07/01/2013 03:16 - United States

Today, I was running on the treadmill at my local gym when I saw a girl I like a lot. I called out to her to say hi. As she was coming over, I accidentally stepped on the belt with one foot, crashed down on the treadmill, and continued to slide down in front of her, emerging with a gashed knee and arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 498
You deserved it 4 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roguedork19 8

This would be the perfect time to use one of those cheesy "I just fell for you" pickup lines ;)


Yongchi 11

I sincerely hope you are okay, and no permenant damage was done. Hopefully she wont be a little ***** and think less of you because of this accident. I hope she was concerned for you and didn't walk away lauging at you.

aka_Specs 7

Sounds like you just made the 'Ultimate Fail' list

willard3663 20

From my past experiences it seems that girls usually are impressed with a few hurt places

Some people can't walk and chew gum. It's ok OP, you have a story to tell in the future that you'll both get a laugh out of later.

If it were me I would have taken the opportunity to try to talk to her

Nanael_fml 4

Embarrassing yes but what did she do??