Smooth gym bro

By Dkim620 - 07/01/2013 03:16 - United States

Today, I was running on the treadmill at my local gym when I saw a girl I like a lot. I called out to her to say hi. As she was coming over, I accidentally stepped on the belt with one foot, crashed down on the treadmill, and continued to slide down in front of her, emerging with a gashed knee and arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 498
You deserved it 4 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Roguedork19 8

This would be the perfect time to use one of those cheesy "I just fell for you" pickup lines ;)


sgtcxelite 11

When I was maybe in first or third grade, I went to my friend's house for a birthday party. We were all in her basement, but then everyone except me and the few I was playing Mario Kart with left. When we were done the game, we didn't know what the others went so we just stayed there and messed with the treadmill. While a boy was running on it, I was standing on the edges and was stupid enough to try and walk across to the other edge. Obviously my foot was pushed out from under me and I landed on my back. I didn't get pushed off though because the treadmill was only a few inches from the wall. I was just stuck between the wall and the treadmill while it sandpapered my back for little bit.

Stuff like that is embarrassing when it happens, but just laugh it off. If I saw a guy do that I would probably see if he's ok and then laugh a little with him just because it's a funny situation. Have fun with it and look back on it and laugh. She's not going to think less of you for it XD.

I once fell on a treadmill and lost half the skin on my face