
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I wrote "I love you" on my girlfriend's Facebook wall. She completely freaked out and accused me of being "too clingy" and that I'm starting to feel more like a stalker than a boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 888
You deserved it 8 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

She just couldn't handle it because it's facebook official.


sugarssweeter 0
cheer4ever96 8

What's with people calling everyone a stalker? Stalking is a crime that involves obsessive harassment. It can be extremely frightening for the victim. Using the word in this context is calling a guy who accidentally bumps into you at the supermarket a rapist. It just makes you look like a self centered drama queen.

So what I told my girl friend I lovedher and she did nothing about it but still life goes on

Here's what you do, remove her from your friend's list and when she freaks out, because Facebook is super-important, you tell her, "Don't be clingy."

Perhaps you should reword it, so it isn't as showy and likely to bring too much attention to you guys' relationship. "I find that throughout the course of our courtship that I have developed a fondness for you that gleams ever so brightly when we spend time together in any fashion for an indeterminate amount of time. A fondness that grows with every passing moment, and it is my sincere wish that it continues to blossom with the passage of time." See? No one will know what the f*ck you're talking about, so there's no reason for embarrassment.

LOL!! That is the best comment posted so far :)

Find a new girl. She's clearly got plenty of growing up to do.

cristig 0
ibhim 0

Clingy??? Damn, she apparently doesn't feel the same, new one anytime soon??

Ah some girls these days don't understand the meaning of love.