Snow day

By J…… - 21/01/2024 09:00 - United States - Coventry

Today, is the second time this week that school is delayed because of snow or "extreme ice." It's like we're Texas now, they get 2 inches of snow and the whole state gets shut down, but no, I live in Rhode Island. I gotta go to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 405
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

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Same thing here in Kansas. We never got days off school like the kids do now. Oh, there's a forecast of extreme cold? Better cancel school before we determine it doesn't even happen. School here has been in session for four days since Christmas break, none of those days being on the same week. It's ridiculous.

Lamitucus 4

I’m in Utah and the things going with snow and school is baffling. I remember have to walk 6 blocks to school in snow nearly a foot deep and I had to follow my sisters footsteps but now they’ll shut down the school or have a delayed start. With the delayed starts what the hell do they think the parents are going to do, they still have to be to work on time. 🤷‍♀️


Same thing here in Kansas. We never got days off school like the kids do now. Oh, there's a forecast of extreme cold? Better cancel school before we determine it doesn't even happen. School here has been in session for four days since Christmas break, none of those days being on the same week. It's ridiculous.

Lamitucus 4

I’m in Utah and the things going with snow and school is baffling. I remember have to walk 6 blocks to school in snow nearly a foot deep and I had to follow my sisters footsteps but now they’ll shut down the school or have a delayed start. With the delayed starts what the hell do they think the parents are going to do, they still have to be to work on time. 🤷‍♀️

VA and NC gets like 1/4 inch and the whole states shut down. I was living down there from PA for a time, watching everyone panic and laughing at them