Some salt for that wound?

By Luissa - 03/07/2024 14:00 - United States

Today, my ex-husband’s new girlfriend stopped by the pharmacy I work at, checked out at my lane, and had me ring up her condoms. She kept bragging about how she’s gonna have “nasty freaky sex” with my ex all night long while I work at a “miserable pharmacy.” I burst into tears while she laughed and waltzed away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 683
You deserved it 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, he chose a woman entirely without any dignity or grace. She's in limerence, for all you know in a few years she will be in exactly the place where you are now while you will have rebuilt your life and found happiness. It won't hurt forever, I promise.

Wow. He has quite the prize…. NOT. She sounds childish and immature. I’m sorry she made you cry she is not worth it. Karma will serve her real good one day.


Well, he chose a woman entirely without any dignity or grace. She's in limerence, for all you know in a few years she will be in exactly the place where you are now while you will have rebuilt your life and found happiness. It won't hurt forever, I promise.

Wow. He has quite the prize…. NOT. She sounds childish and immature. I’m sorry she made you cry she is not worth it. Karma will serve her real good one day.

"You are going to need the condoms, love, I tested positive for 3 different STDs when we broke up"

Well, thank God she's getting condoms so her chances of bringing kids into the world are lowered... definitely don't need more people like her.