Someone has to

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I noticed I give myself pep-talks when I'm lonely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 365
You deserved it 6 132

Top comments

Ahunya 0

I honestly don't think that it's that bad!?...


anlhawks 5

uuuhkay that's great op . how bout you don't do that anymore . problemmmo solved ;)

iSitt 0

better than wallowing in self pity

I think this is pretty funny... lol!!!

Graawr 7

Awww you can talk to me op if you want. <3

Graawr 7

Awww op you can talk to me if you want. I'll comfort you if you're lonely. <3

sdman923 0

I don't know much, but I know this s*** is f***ed up.

BoyFromTheFuture 0

at least you give pep talks to yourself. my brain always calls me bad names and says i'm going to grow up to be a nobody.

#67: I'm lonely too. Will you comfort me? :3

KingDingALing 9
Graawr 7

89. Yes I'll comfort you if you want. :D

yeah I do it too. more so in fact after i started my hiatus on twitter (3 weeks & counting)

ohthebloodygore 16
FMLephant 2

or sinks your ship, depending on the glass half full/empty idea

EmoOrange 0
sdman923 0

Hey, I used to like Linkin Park when I was 12 too. Now brush your teeth and get off FML, would be more age-appropriate. I'm sure you'll love it.

sdman923 0

Thanks 6sick6, I try. Also, The Offspring are awesome. Oh, and I like how I somehow manage to get post number 69 in like every thread. My post number 69 on this thread was posted at 11:11. I believe I may have won the game.

sarabellum93 0
ironyisforlosers 0

Not gonna change the fact that you"ll be FOREVER ALONE.