Someone has to

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I noticed I give myself pep-talks when I'm lonely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 365
You deserved it 6 132

Top comments

Ahunya 0

I honestly don't think that it's that bad!?...


That's not really unusual. But if you're really that down, maybe you could see a counsellor or therapist.

So what? I do to. Sometimes, to add a little diversity, I call myself a failure and a loser as well.

so why fyl if you just know how to make yourself feel better? When I started college I started occasionally giving myself pep talks when I'm having exams and such, hehe. Really, that's actually good that you can make yourself better. & being lonely now and then is okay ...

Let's change the name of this site to "Stupid Things People Feel Like Sharing When They're Bored & Have Nothing Better To Do." Thats all I've been seeing on here lately.

nothing wrong with that. jack does it from 30 rock

amazinggbaby 2

You know I learned in a health class that that's good for you. Idk why you think it's that bad

yummycupcakegirl 0
yummycupcakegirl 0