By Anonymous - 10/10/2009 17:53 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother said she trusted me enough to go with me for my first drive in my new car. As soon as we got in the car, she started hyperventilating and screaming we're going to crash. I didn't even start the engine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 065
You deserved it 2 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when you tell her to calm down and everything will be fine and then peel out and slam the brakes and tell her thats what you learned in need for speed

nitro27x 2

My mom did that when I got my learner's permit.


that_guy321 2
nitro27x 2

My mom did that when I got my learner's permit.

My mom said shes not going to get into the car with me. Ever. She still wont get in the car with my 21 year old brother behind the wheel..

This is when you tell her to calm down and everything will be fine and then peel out and slam the brakes and tell her thats what you learned in need for speed

tinkchic4life 0

ok then she will have a heart attack but still hilarious

i drove my mum to doctors once.. she kept telling me to slow down... i was doing 15 miles an hour

You drive me crazy, oooh oooh! ...Miscellaneous 80's music reference. Because I can.

Rhaegar 0

Let's see... it was your first drive in YOUR new car. And the FML here is that your mom is worried? You sound like a spoiled brat who doesn't have any actual issues, and so you complain about nothing instead. Let me guess, your parents paid for the car?

Rhaegar 0

I am neither stupid nor bitchy. I can also spell contractions properly; I suggest you do the same.

Jesta05 0

ummmm slight contradiction between 1st line and the 2

You should have started turnin da wheel back and forth and screamed were gunna crash! Haha

OhhxGoshhxAri 0

I was actually under the impression from reading that, that she was only kidding. If my mom did that to me, I know for a fact that she would be kidding. My grandma... not so much. :D