Sore loser

By Anonymous - 14/03/2013 02:15 - Australia - Picton

Today, my boyfriend and I were play-fighting. I managed to pin him down and win. He saw my grin, snorted, and bitterly said I'd only won because, "let's face it, you're a bit of a porker, eh babe?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 051
You deserved it 5 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stephhrunsaway 21

Porker? He's the real pig for getting butt hurt like that.

mimiminx 23

What a bastard! I hope you crushed him til he screamed for saying that!


Hmmm,... Weight is a problem in this day and age...

Bit ironic, as he chose to be in a relationship with you and acts like the pig himself. You deserve much better than that sore loser.

i dislike how guys can have the guts to put down a girl like that, especially when use were only joking around. dont worry your a strong person at the end of the day

Well I would say start working out tone up and kick his butt that much worse ;) Then go grab the next boyfriend this ones too weak for you

generalasskicker 12

First off either he's a really weak guy you are big or you are a really strong girl secondly he is a dick

Who's physically stronger really doesn't matter in a healthy relationship. OP's boyfriend is a jerk for thinking it does.

Bunny21 11

If he ever tries to become intimate you should say, "That's it?" With a disappointed face and just walk out. That'll teach him a lesson. >:)

She probably isn't fat at all.. She's probably tank!! Big difference.

I would have "accidentally" crushed his nuts with my knee as I got off him, then apologized by saying "Sorry, but lets face it, it's really hard to see, I left the magnifying glass at home."

Steve95401 49

After making a comment like that about his girlfriend, she might not let him pork her again.

I recommend sugar free jelly beans and a gooey Cleveland steamer for your douche nozzle boy friend!