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Sorry doggo

By good riddance - 29/05/2022 16:00

Today, my girlfriend flipped out and dumped me. According to her, not stopping for a dog in the road makes me a sociopath and unsuitable for a relationship. Yes, because slamming on my brakes or swerving into the next lane while doing 75 on the highway and causing a wreck made so much more sense. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 140
You deserved it 812

Same thing different taste

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To everyone else in these comments: If you suddenly swerve or brake while doing *75mph/120kmh on the highway*, you’re going to lose control of your vehicle. Best-case scenario, you’re going to wreck your car or seriously injure a minimum of one person; the more likely scenario is that you’re going to cause a multi-car pileup and probably kill somebody.

In this version of the trolley problem you do nothing and kill a dog or do something and quite possible kill yourself, your girlfriend or another random motorist. It’s the right thing to do, even if it is really kind of sucky.


So you just ran it over? I'd ditch your ass also!

Too bad you can't since your most likely dead if you tried otherwise

slhiggx 17

You’re skipping the part where you say the dog was okay. Which meant it wasn’t. And honestly she is the one saying good riddance. You are just an ass.

By the phrasing, it seems that you simply hit the poor dog. I would dump you as well.

tiptoppc 19

Why is the dog in the middle of a highway though? People run over squirells and don’t say that. But no dog should be mid-75mph highway.

You are a sociopath who is unsuitable for a relationship, Incel.

To everyone else in these comments: If you suddenly swerve or brake while doing *75mph/120kmh on the highway*, you’re going to lose control of your vehicle. Best-case scenario, you’re going to wreck your car or seriously injure a minimum of one person; the more likely scenario is that you’re going to cause a multi-car pileup and probably kill somebody.

Not true at all. I have dash am video of me swerving to avoid being hit by an idiot semi driver who decided to change lanes without bothering to look first at 80mph, and I didn’t lose control of my vehicle, all with a wife and 5 kids all screaming bloody murder at the same time

How about going slower? Most highways have a 65 mph maximum.

LOL. You ever consider if you did the speed limit in Lake County Indiana on Interstate 80/94 aka Borman Expressway), which is 55 mph, you will get run over by EVERYONE. No one in Northwest Indiana drives the speed limit on that highway. Hell, even the state police will not pull you over for speeding, unless you obviously stand out against traffic. I drive with the flow of traffic, if it’s 80, I keep up, if it’s 35, I do 35. 80 is about the fastest I will go on a highway though.

I don't know where you live but the freeway where I live are 75-85 depending on what part of the state you're in. What a very unhelpful comment.

tiptoppc 19

He in Nebraska, 75 is tops. I heard there’s 85 in texas, maybe more.

In this version of the trolley problem you do nothing and kill a dog or do something and quite possible kill yourself, your girlfriend or another random motorist. It’s the right thing to do, even if it is really kind of sucky.

Nowhere does it say OP ran it over? It sounds like the dog was on the side of the road and OP couldn't just STOP on a high speed road to get it.

It_gets_better 19

If it was on the side of the road, OP shouldn't have had to swerve... so the fact that they're saying they wouldn't swerve means it was in the road.

I assumed it was an abrupt swerve to change lanes/pull off. But either way, he's not in the wrong. Driving instructors will specifically tell you not to swerve/avoid animals because it's safer to hit them rather than introduce risk by losing control of your vehicle.

Nikki 17

If you were as unsympathetic as you currently sound after hitting a dog you deserve to be dumped, at the very minimum you have to be upset about it otherwise I’d be worried about what else you could hurt without caring

I mean, I'm completely against anyone who hurts an animal. My husband has hit multiple deer and I always feel bad about that, but I also realize that it's unavoidable at times. If you can avoid an animal, you should.

I would have safely turned around to try to help the poor thing