
By Yuri - 29/09/2024 09:00 - United States - Gloucester

Today, I opened the door to a pizza delivery guy. I hadn't order any, but I thought maybe my roommate had. As he handed me the box, I said, "Thanks, you too" when he told me to enjoy my meal. He stopped, looked confused, and said, "Wait, what?" before leaving. I then realized my roommate was out of town and I’d just taken someone else’s pizza. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77
You deserved it 248

Same thing different taste

Top comments

GoogieWithers 22
Wadlaen 23

Well, since you told the delivery guy to enjoy the meal too, you should have invited him in and you could have enjoyed the free pizza together!


GoogieWithers 22
Wadlaen 23

Well, since you told the delivery guy to enjoy the meal too, you should have invited him in and you could have enjoyed the free pizza together!