
By Lily - 08/01/2011 16:01 - United States

Today, during a dinner party, some friends brought up how sweet, innocent and caring they thought I was. I had to sit there as my drunk boyfriend cut them off and loudly argue that I was neither sweet nor innocent, and really nothing that special at all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 985
You deserved it 4 592

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, as the Romans said, "in vino veritas." In wine there is truth. So, at least now you know what your boyfriend *really* thinks about you.

taylershea 0


you so need to leave that ass. drunk or not there is no excuse for that.

that's because you probably a nasty bitch like my girlfriend, who's sweet and nice to everyone else except me.

let me guess..you are gonna stay with that loser, right?? god forbid you give a nice, sweet, caring guy a chance to treat you right

He is probably just wanting make up sex?

Regardless of whether you're actually sweet and caring or not, the alcohol acted like a truth-serum on your boyfriend and he told you what he really feels. So now you know how he really sees you. It doesn't sound like a healthy relationship. You might want to think about taking some space from him to decide whether you want to continue down this path. Whoever you are, you deserve to be with someone who sees the best in you.

Sorry, OP! If he doesn't see anything in you, then perhaps you shouldn't waste your time on him.

helpmee 0

that's when you say really look at me compared to you right now or you could do what I would prefer and punch him in the eye and scream his flaws then act sweet and innocent when he walks out

You need to leave his sorry butt! I wouldn't call, answer the phone or text, and wouldn't go around him. Make him seek you out and make him beg to take him back (that's if you want him). And if you want him back, make him apologize to your friends for his behavior.