Spelling is hard

By WTFFAIL - 03/12/2009 09:08 - United States

Today, I finished a 50-page term end thesis essay on the history of Russia. Looking over the final requirements once more, I find I made just a tiny little mistake. It was supposed to be a thesis on "Prussia". The paper's due tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 203
You deserved it 39 848

Same thing different taste

Why is the last mile the hardest mile?

By oldhabitsdiehard - 03/07/2022 14:00 - Netherlands - Wageningen

Today, I'm supposed to hand in my Master's thesis. I only very vaguely remember my enthusiasm of six months ago, but remember clearly that - this time - I was planning to start in time and avoid last-minute stress. Seeing the sun come up at 5 a.m. tells me that it was a tad too optimistic. Just ten more hours to go… FML
I agree, your life sucks 295
You deserved it 1 065

Top comments

Wow. **** your life indeed. But hey, at least you can come on here and read the comments from dumber people who will say "zomg lol whut's the diffrnce?" and "Prussia iznt a country lolz!!one!!" Good luck, comrade.


darkheadlights 4

Explain to your prof what happened; maybe he'll take pity on you and accept it.

npk88 0

I really don't understand how this mixup could happen. Did you never pay attention in class enough to know that you were studying Prussia and not Russia? Did you not ever talk to anyone else in your class about the paper; all of whom would have the same final requirements as you? Either this is fake or you are a not really a good student anyways and probably deserve to fail

Wow that really sucks... I would try to turn it in anyway... Maybe your professor will feel sorry for you?

They are different countries you know ... YDI for not paying enough attention to what you are supposed to be writing about.

Just change all of the "Russia"s to "Prussia"s. Problem solved!

Of course, how could they not have thought of that before. You really ought to get into politics with such an acutely tuned brain

cutek94 0

omfg that really sucks, i would f-ing die FYL

Explain what happened and ask for an extension? Show your prof the paper so he doesn't think you just forgot to do it.

benjamingeiger 0

Seconded. The professor may accept the paper as is, or may give an extension. In the meantime, get cracking on the new paper, just in case.

Skull_300 0

What the ****? That's what you get for not procrastinating and waiting until the very last minute to do this term paper. You should just be starting this now! You have 24 hours! Quit whining and do the ******* paper.

OP said nothing about procrastinating and waiting until the last day to start. He said he finished it up. Putting the finishing touches on a paper the day before it is due is perfectly acceptable. Learn to read. OP doesn't dserve it because he procrastinated, he deserves it for being an idiot.

I think YOU need to read. He said that the op SHOULD have waited till the last minuite.