Spice up your love life

By screwed - 04/11/2012 09:55 - United States

Today, my hubby and I decided to spice up our sex life and went to an adult toy store. We know too many people in our town, so we drove to one that was 30 minutes away. We decided on our items, and went to the check out. Who would have guessed my next door neighbor works there as a cashier? FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 749
You deserved it 5 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Now your neighbour knows you have a healthy sex life! Whatever will you do? How will you ever live it down? The only solution is to have loud, raucous sex all the time so he knows your purchase was successful.

Hey, you only BOUGHT something from a sex shop. They WORK there. I think you're pretty even!


linnie_wesker 20

Uh... you're a married couple, I hope you're having sex. Why is it such a big secret? Also if you ran into someone you know at one of those stores, it's not really like they can judge you because they're there too?

the neighbor, if anyone, should be embarrased

baby_frenchie 6

I think OP is afraid that the neighbor/cashier will tell other neighbors and friends about what they bought. That's why she was embarrassed and insecure. Obviously, if she went out of her way to go to an adult store out of town it was for no one to spread gossip about her sex life.

Yeah but in that situation, the person being judged is probably going to be the one who goes to the sex shop every day for hours on end. Anyone who works at a sex shop is going to know to be discreet if they want to get repeat business; the only person who knows about the OP and her husband going to the store are the OP, her husband and the neighbor.

needsagf14 12

Well what's your neighbor going to say? They WORK there

lsu24 2

You didn't see them whenever you first walked in?

TheyCallMeDamien 17

I assure you the neighbor does not care and won't tell. Why do you think the neighbor works so far away.

Next time try shopping online if you don't want people to know. There's a good adult store I've shopped at its called Midnight Fantasy www.midnightfantasy.co.cc

afairshake 8

You're a married couple and having a good sex life helps keep things good. Might have been a bit embarrassed of the situation but really no need to be. You aren't doing anything wrong going as a married couple to enhance that area of your life.

Have you ever heard of the Internet? You can buy that stuff online annonomously! YDI!!!