Spice up your love life

By screwed - 04/11/2012 09:55 - United States

Today, my hubby and I decided to spice up our sex life and went to an adult toy store. We know too many people in our town, so we drove to one that was 30 minutes away. We decided on our items, and went to the check out. Who would have guessed my next door neighbor works there as a cashier? FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 749
You deserved it 5 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Now your neighbour knows you have a healthy sex life! Whatever will you do? How will you ever live it down? The only solution is to have loud, raucous sex all the time so he knows your purchase was successful.

Hey, you only BOUGHT something from a sex shop. They WORK there. I think you're pretty even!


nowayisthisreal 4

The "fml" is about knowing everyone in your town, right? Not that you have healthy sex with your husband!

KingCeltic77 18

Well then the neighbor hopefully won't blab, since he or she would be known as the sleaze who works there.

The neighbour obviously felt the same as you. They were probably just as embarrassed!

Well obviously your neighbor is okay with it, otherwise he/she wouldn't have a job at the sex shop.

so? your neighbor works there. I doubt they think sex is scandalous

Why on earth are you embarrassed to go to a sex shop? Anyone who judges you for that is too nosey for their own good anyway... stop caring so much about what others think. You're not harming anyone, so there's nothing to be ashamed of.