
By amidreaming?? - 11/06/2012 21:45 - United Kingdom - Bushey

Today, I asked my girlfriend why she never lets me in her house. She stared blankly and said, "What is inside is not for thine eyes." I told her best friend about this creepiness later on. She sighed and said, "T'was not for mine eyes either. I didst fail to listen." I feel like I'm losing my mind here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 967
You deserved it 3 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hotforkegger 4


Finnick_fml 12

That's utterly bizarre. Maybe they're playing a prank on you, you can seriously ask them to tell you the truth .... Or break into your girlfriend's house. Take your pick :p


jackeechan 10

Thou must heed thine warnings, for thy consequences may be fatal.

I totally agree with others I say hoarder. Dude just walk in. when you go to pick her up open the door and be like sorry I gotta pee and if you can find the bathroom then she's not a hoarder. There's got to be dead bodies in the tub or something

Darkmagic666 9

My best friend and I would do this. I find this funny. Oh and when complaining about someone the best friend is probably not the best choice.

ninjkabat 15

That sounds like the awesomest girlfriend ever. Secret Shakespearean suite? Girlish companions in on the game? I say stick it out with her and then you'll know it's meant to be if she ever trusts you with the secret of her domicile.

knick64 7

When u find out post it please

Her house may be dirty or infested with bugs and she may not be able to do anything about it so she doesnt want you to see it

She sounds funny to me...especially her friend's reaction.