
By amidreaming?? - 11/06/2012 21:45 - United Kingdom - Bushey

Today, I asked my girlfriend why she never lets me in her house. She stared blankly and said, "What is inside is not for thine eyes." I told her best friend about this creepiness later on. She sighed and said, "T'was not for mine eyes either. I didst fail to listen." I feel like I'm losing my mind here. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 967
You deserved it 3 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hotforkegger 4


Finnick_fml 12

That's utterly bizarre. Maybe they're playing a prank on you, you can seriously ask them to tell you the truth .... Or break into your girlfriend's house. Take your pick :p


GothInside 6

I really wanna know what's in that house now!!!


you know what they say, ye home is ye castle

She's a closet Shakespeare freak. She doesn't want you to see her life size cut out of him and a room filled only with his books.

NickPaulson 6

Thou needs to not worry, tis but just a joke

Methinks the lady doth protest too much

Now that's a best friend, playing along at the drop of a hat

Maggums18 0
Cassandrax731 5

The gf was just being funny, and her friend went along with it. That is all.

She is shady. She probably has a husband in there, or keeps hoards of animals in her basement or something. Ditch her.