By amidreaming?? - 11/06/2012 21:45 - United Kingdom - Bushey
By amidreaming?? - 11/06/2012 21:45 - United Kingdom - Bushey
By Burntintomyretinas - 19/09/2012 04:40 - Australia - Chatswood
By can't win - 13/01/2015 16:25 - Australia
By IceMage - 18/01/2010 00:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/09/2009 05:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/10/2022 00:00
By Anonymous - 29/10/2011 07:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 12/07/2022 02:00
By Shopper - 23/05/2012 22:50 - United States
By iloveretail - 08/08/2016 19:14 - United Kingdom - Nottingham
By :(( - 25/04/2012 18:46 - United States - Saint Petersburg
you know what they say, ye home is ye castle
Maybe she's a crazy cat lady
She's a closet Shakespeare freak. She doesn't want you to see her life size cut out of him and a room filled only with his books.
Methinks the lady doth protest too much
Now that's a best friend, playing along at the drop of a hat
She is shady. She probably has a husband in there, or keeps hoards of animals in her basement or something. Ditch her.
That's utterly bizarre. Maybe they're playing a prank on you, you can seriously ask them to tell you the truth .... Or break into your girlfriend's house. Take your pick :p