
By Scaredwitless - 28/01/2011 04:35 - United States

Today, my roommate decided to prank me by leaving a fake suicide note on the bathroom door and lying motionless in a bathtub full of water and red coloring. When I went, horrified, to take a closer look, he lunged at me and screamed. I was so scared I pissed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 917
You deserved it 6 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omg, psycho roommate! So, that's where they got the idea for The Roommate:P

To catch a sneaky glimpse at his Willy


alicec123 0

FYL. suicide isn't a joke. your friend has a twisted mind.

brighteyes81 0

Messed up ^, but made me laugh.

i think it waz a work of art as far as pranks go i wouldve high fived him afterwards

MCRpoison2016 0

I'm not gonna lie, I laughed.

ohmek 0

LOL at the roommate probably waiting hours in the bathtub till you showed up. Great prank though.

varkey 7

that's really scary + messed up, but ingenious again though, how does one pee themselves from fear? i really don't understand

BikeAllDay818 6
emi3611 0