Stage 1?

By Waterfalls - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Carlsbad

Today, I stood up too quickly and got dizzy, so I sat on the edge of the bed to regain my balance. I started dozing off to sleep again, got confused, and peed down the side of my bed thinking I was on the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 598
You deserved it 10 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JMichael 25

That is a bad day..dear lord I hope I don't have those days.

In 5th grade I dreamt that I had woken up and walked to the toilet and peed only to wake up in pissed sheets :/


I think you need to get more sleep if your that delirious when you wake up...not trying to be rude but that just doesn't sound healthy


That's not really a factor. I've slept 4 and a half hours for a whole year and I've never had that issue. It could be genetic, I don't know, but amount of sleep may not have that effect

#20 Whoa seriously? That's insane... you should get that checked up.

It sounds like low blood pressure or low blood sugar to me. I'm not a doctor though

Wow, that's a lovely start to your day... Hope you're okay

I'm hoping some adult beverages the night before helped to disorient you this much. Either way it sucks but made me laugh !

When I was younger, I used to wet the bed a lot. One day my mom got fed up and told me that if I dream about the bathroom, it means I have to pee. I don't know why or how it worked, but it did. I never wet the bed after that. What was the point of telling that story? There wasn't one.

Yep...everyone is a zombie when they first wake up

Not really. Especially not a dizzy, lightheaded, pissing zombie. OP sounds as if they had one too many drinks or they really should have had a bit more sleep.

Standing up too quickly and getting dizzy is called orthostatic hypotension. It is very common, and nothing to be worried about. Falling over and becoming disoriented then pissing yourself...yea, try taking some time off from boozing so much, OP.