Star witness

By Anunimos - 19/04/2015 13:08 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, I found out my best friend's girlfriend is cheating on him with his own brother. I went over to his place and told him everything while his girlfriend was in the same room. He called me a jealous liar who wanted to break them up, and kicked me out while she looked on, smirking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 959
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments


my best friends gf was cheating so i boned her, made a picture and send it to him, now they got married and i am the douche sweaty ****

Don't worry; he'll find out the hard way. Too bad he'll be losing your trusting friendship over a cheating shank like her.

You should have yelled and called her a **** on the way out!

**** them, but take care of best friend and make sure you take pics of his girlfriend cheating then send it to beat friend

If you care about your friend get video proof and send it anonymously

You tried and that's all you can do about it at this point. You did your part and now what happens to him is his fault. You warned him and did the right thing. Sorry this happened op. You did the right thing.

ezrajab 22

Damn that sucks sorry op. Truthfully and this is just my personal opinion stuff like that comes back to bite you in the ass eventually so unless I know I am safe I keep my mouth shut. That's just me tho. I know your intentions were good and u did the right thing.

capnkellie 10

Hey bro, don't take it personal. When someone thinks they're in love, they won't let anything ruin it and they make poor choices. You did the right thing.

Aaaand the prize for the worst brother goes too... OP's friend's brother