Star witness

By Anunimos - 19/04/2015 13:08 - Romania - Bucharest

Today, I found out my best friend's girlfriend is cheating on him with his own brother. I went over to his place and told him everything while his girlfriend was in the same room. He called me a jealous liar who wanted to break them up, and kicked me out while she looked on, smirking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 959
You deserved it 3 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I'd really like to see a follow up for when he finds out the truth.

You did the right thing though and eventually he will realize and say he in sorry

kayj905 15

**** him, if he's your best friend and said something like that just let him rot and when he asks you for help, just walk away. P.S. Find a new best friend

People never want to hear the truth. Good on you OP for doing the right thing. And stuff your friend.

gintwinsmoore 20

Love makes people blind, your friend will realize the truth soon now... Even if he says he doesn't believe you he'll probably (if he's smart) start paying attention and see if anything sneaky starts to happen

U r a good dude and u did ur job.. sucks to be that person who is blind and he is clearly not worthy of ur friendship

tossaway2321 5

You probably shouldn't have told him right in front of her, that was dumb on your part

It is hard doing the right thing but everything will come out eventually. I just think of "love actually" she got caught and do will your best friends girl