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Stressed out

By amy1023 - 26/11/2009 10:18 - United States

Today, I complained to my boyfriend that I was stressed out. He asked me, "What do you have to be stressed out about?" I work 50 hours a week and go to school full time. I ask him what was stressful about his day, he told me that his "kill/death ratio went down on Call of Duty." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 787
You deserved it 8 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kylias 6

Ffft, have you ever had your kill/death ratio go down? It's very stressful.

FYL, I've been there. 2 full time jobs, an additional part time job, and a home based business. The school isn't the stressful part i've found, wait til the bills pile in. that's the WORST. Ex then said he was pissed at me for our relationship because i didn't have time for him. He doesn't even have his own bank account, and sat on World of Warcraft 70+ hours a week.


Kylias 6

Ffft, have you ever had your kill/death ratio go down? It's very stressful.

Wahahahaahaha Your boyfriends cool and you dont deserve him for not respecting his gaming life. Now get back into that kitchen and make him a damn sammich!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyouu

agreed... my kill/death ratio went down cause of camping in corner noobs... much more stressful then you think :D work/college hasnt even stressed me out that much... POWER TO THE G33K5!!!!

Well, that is really stressful. I mean, cmon, have you PLAYED MW2?

greenltrn2003 0

tell me about it...I was ranked somewhere in the 14000's when I first got it. now im like 483000 or some crap like that. its a very saddening experience. plus you cant blame him. asked

spiderman0606 0

If you're a geek, I think you'd know the difference between 'then' and 'than'. If that really is a typo, it's a very convenient one, considering the a and e are not even next to each other.

HahaYDI 0

If I get killed by another damn noob tube I will lose it. MW 2 is probably the most stressful thing in the world.

Who says she's a geek? It wasn't even implied. -_- Yours: "Today, I spent all day online looking for things to nitpick at in other people's posts since won't publish my lame ones. FML"

spiderman0606 0

Kickmehard, look at lahp's comment, then my comment and then your comment again. Oh, the irony.

greenltrn2003 0

dude how the hell do you get that title?! that and the M-W-2 one. Everyone that seems to be kickin everyone elses ass has those.

Squwatknot 0

Yeah when my kill/death went down i went into a panic attack my doc put me on a bunch of stress relievers

Dude! I don't even play the frikken game and I know what all this shit is!! Yes, noob tube-ing is very very annoying and your kill/death ratio is highly important!! YDI for not knowing what this stuff is and how important it is. Also, YDI because you asked about it.

Sadly there is someone on MW2 that has played for more than 9 days on multiplayer....... sad.

fosizzlemynizzlE 0

my ratio keeps going up now that i have the m16, but it sucks when your trying to unlock stuff by using other weapons and keep getting owned. kill/death ratio is like social status of the gaming world. instead of having huge boobs or a dick, having a large ratio is what determines if you're cool or not.

tyhillman 0

My K/D is about 1.24 right now. As long as it's above 1 I'm happy with it.

mine is probably around 0.5, and i like it like that, the reason i never play like a pro is because i would rather just run around the map being stupid... thus leading to me dying a whole lot.

Excatly the same as me, mines 0.56 right now cause i just run around shooting everthing and wacking people with the riot shield! campings or playing seriouslys just to boring!

greenltrn2003 0

hahaha fosizzlemynizzlE nailed it I wish I could find a hot chick thats obsessed with MW2. flash my large 'ratio' to her :-P

Hey! The K/D is VERY important. When it comes to K/D in CoD: MW2, a space whale is NOT fine too! It is serious business to keep the K/D positive!

just means that your a full time gamer with very little time for any one else. can you even drag your self away from the game to spend time with your GF (providing you have one) for 2 days without whining about how bad your score is, or that you just want to go online for half an hour to play with mates (and end up playing for 6 hours). would you even bother to say- hey, how has your day been, sit there, listen to her and then try and make her relax. no, you probably wouldnt.....

Well I hope you're happy because that's what i did with my girlfriend until about a month ago when she died in a car accident. Asshole.

DllnBro 0

its too easy to get. all u need is 10 kills with a silenced weapon. prestige required. thats all u have to do to get that title. my K/D is 1.38 and still rising. would be better if not for camping noobs like that other guy said. ******* hate them. play the game like it was meant to be played assholes.


damn i hate when that happens

to get m-w-2 u av to prestige and reach rank 69

betterdaysahead 14

your an asshole just because. you suck at games don't knock other peoples. you sit around all day and jerk off so shut your ******* mouth

I left my Xbox round my sisters... Her bf decided my ratio was too good and decided to play and let people kill me, he counted 72 matches before he got bored and gave up... I'm too ashamed to go on live now

FYL, I've been there. 2 full time jobs, an additional part time job, and a home based business. The school isn't the stressful part i've found, wait til the bills pile in. that's the WORST. Ex then said he was pissed at me for our relationship because i didn't have time for him. He doesn't even have his own bank account, and sat on World of Warcraft 70+ hours a week.

... you've never played Call of Duty have you?

I've played COD MW1 and MW2. That doesn't mean I gotta play all the damn time. It's just a game there are other important shit to do like.... work, spend time with the family, go to school..... Even if you have played COD and love it doesn't mean you gotta make it your priority.

So many people are hard core gamers like that. I don't think I'll ever understand wanting to do nothing but game instead of joining the real world. this is why I choose to be single. hope your new relationship is more even

She has no idea how hard it is to keep that positive after you have been playing for more than a couple months

Honestly, it's a guy thing. I should know, haha! atleast he cares enough to listen to you even if he can't really relate, lol!

AntiChrist7 0

Don't date idiots who can't tell fact from fiction. YDI

when you have your kill/death go down you just wanna break stuff cause youve worked too hard to get it where it is

Sounds like you and your boyfriend have all my stresses.

z411811 0

kill/death ratio is a very serious business

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you_failed 15

JUST PLAY COD 4 THE GAME! Nt the ratio gosh ppl so sad about tht jeez, yeah FYL u hav a codmaniac, i love cod but im not diehard over it, even though my ratio is like 1.00 lol