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By sincerely - 03/06/2010 04:47 - United States

Today, my boyfriend finally called me after a week of barely any communication. He wanted to talk to my brother about Call of Duty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 692
You deserved it 5 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

deepfrey 0

Meh, these CoD FMLs are getting boring, and becoming the same.

FYLDeep 25

Ever spend a week completely busy doing work, school, etc, then when you have time off you don't really have anything to say to your friends. The conversation is really boring like: "Hey, what's up?" "Been busy this whole week." "So you do anything interesting?" "Noo..." Especially in this case if it's someone you know really well like a girlfriend. You're just not going to have anything worth talking about. If you really want to talk and stuff, go out and do something together. He probably just didn't want to get lost in some boring conversation with no point.


FYLDeep 25

I kind of agree with you, FYLDeep. Depends how bitchy and impatient you are...anyway, OP, Call of Duty is classic! If it bothers you that much, then why not try it out?

FYLDeep 25

Ever spend a week completely busy doing work, school, etc, then when you have time off you don't really have anything to say to your friends. The conversation is really boring like: "Hey, what's up?" "Been busy this whole week." "So you do anything interesting?" "Noo..." Especially in this case if it's someone you know really well like a girlfriend. You're just not going to have anything worth talking about. If you really want to talk and stuff, go out and do something together. He probably just didn't want to get lost in some boring conversation with no point.

CoD is awesome! if anyone has it on PS3 add me: thawn21 :)

nooo u girsl dont understand cod is really important to us its like make up for girls

well maybe 'call of duty' means 'i'm breaking up with this bitch because she's jealous and she's so obsessed with me that I have to talk to her every ******* week' at least you have a boyfriend that likes your brother.

A girl that loves games? That is a rare sight, but sexy lol. CoD isn't that great. OP: Why not try to play with him?

Makeup is that important to girls now? Oh dear. Anyway, in response to Deep, he could've at least said a few words to her. My boyfriend isn't one of many words and we have boring conversation stretches from time to time, but really now, it would hurt my feelings a bit. It wouldn't be the OP's FML if it didn't. Depending on how he'd been acting that week, it could've been pretty hurtful. I do see your point though.

atticuz 2

World of Warcraft bitches ;)

FYLDeep 25

I know what you mean #23. He should have at least said something. I really just had those two things I wanted to point out. 1. A week isn't that long. 2. He might have been real busy that week and didn't want to be dragged in an awkward conversation.

Tsmitty99 0

yeaah cod is awesome. I have an xbox.

2hoesNaBagel 0

call of duty all day errday

I got SO sick of my boyfriend playing COD every ******* day. I starting playing, and I play just as much as he does now lol. I've even beat him a few times :)

JGood08 1

**** COD, BF: Bad Company 2 is where it's at, but any who girl who plays xbox is just sexy

phreshboi 1

yea any girl who plays a console is just sexy. I know a lot of friends who have gaming GF

what side and realm 26? horde side trollbane ova here!

my wife is not only a console player... her wii is her crack but I got her started on wow. and she used to HATE games. why? cause she felt left out. include your lady in your games and let the good times roll. and let her wins few times. otherwise your just a dick!

played cod for like 6 hours straight everynight :)

49 you have no life. fly.. but if you don't play cod your deffently missing out.. get back at that bastard and ask your brother how to teach you and kick his ass and embaress him :)

50 I do have a life.. just not at night haha I'd stay up at night while my fiancé worked and play cod.

morganiscool114 0

agree with #5! don't feel bad op my boyfriend does it too! he won't for a while though because he left a couple days ago to go do his real duty

Hell yeah 26 <3 OP if he doesn't communicate enough then maybe you should. I don't mean be a nagging bitch but atleast be the one who starts.

Giorgio272 2

least your man has his priorities straight. CoD > woman when she be on the rags. off it give her a little lovin. then back to cod when she on it. simple.

aurynforever 14
acesarge 0

PC&gt;xbox=ps3&gt;wii. I fixed it for you. The consoles will never be able to match the graphics the PC can put out nor will they ever have the mod support of the PC.

White_Fury 0

White Fury M << add me if you're on 360 :)

ydi for fighting minty-clean soviet russia

sharpl916 0

I've introduced animal crossings to few girls I know: ruined their social life. Yeah! why talk to bitchy needy real life ppl when you can hang out with friendly animal friends with limited verbal capacity!? Games ftw

horde side # 62? Hebrewhamma/Örmagöden.

63 they also won't have all the hackers who can't play for shit so they cheat. I'll take console over pc anyday. and WoW fags. look up Thawn on Dreadmaul. I don't play him anymore but he still pulls 11k dps

16: *facepalm* How old are you? Actually, never mind. It's easier to excuse if I just assume you're young. Everybody gets 1.

lol so a former WoW fag is calling us fags? how is that diff from any other video game? 11k dps has no reference unless you specify class/spec. you could say your a Mage pulling that and it would be imo underwhelming.

Tsmitty99 0

um, I play cod every other day and kick ass at it so think Again. we are cool :P

2hoesNaBagel 0

92 blood dk. if u looked it up you'd know but you're too lazy it seems

M4V3R1CKR13 0

add me 14 my gt on xbox live is MaverickR13

M4V3R1CKR13 0

26 people who pla wow have no lifes :|

Not that rare at my schhol. Many girls play CoD and Modern Warfare 2. We love them.

or maybe the armory server was down Jack. and ur gear is terribad sir. you don't even have any tier 10. so u pulling 11k is bs or your meters are terribly wrong. go stroke your epeen elsewhere.

120 it's got nothin to do with gear. it's 25 man icc with full raid buffs and someone who knows how to play their class. I understand if your a gear nub with no actual skill :)

Hell no, Call of Duty beats World of Warcraft, especially Modern Warfare 2.

the fact that your "friends" drag you through ICC 25 with that lvl of gear is nice of them. if 11k on aoe packs with buffs is your way of bragging I think you need a new reference. and just because I call you out on your lack of material doesn't make me a noob. it just means that I wouldve never invited someone of your lvl to a raid. enjoy your time away from the game. I'm sure we all will.

Sleep_EyEs16 0

wow so many girls play cod? I never knew that >.>. plus xbox>ps3. who needs blu Ray?it look exactly the same if you have an hdmi cord for your xbox.... js

lol your just angry you don't know how to play your toon. nerd rage much?

not nerd rage just tired of epeen stroking yards like you bro. no worries hav fun.

tards* damned autocorrecting iPhone.

haha #126 I have that poster :) and anyone who plays on ps3 add me: baderier2

anonymousely 0

You do realize that not all girls use make-up? And even the ****** that do don't worship it and ignore their S.O.s to put it on. just sayin' Girls know where their priorities are; what the **** is wrong with you guys?

astarwarsfan 0

it seems that your boyfriend (puts on sunglasses) found something else to play with

iwouldliketocomm 0

that also means that she didnt call him.... plus it's not like his life just shuts down when he leaves the room

113 People who use numbers instead of syllables have no life.

haha 2 you're right he's playing call of duty with her brother every night then when they win instead of putting pupes in each others mouth they just shove a dick down their throats..

Can you repeat that again, but in English this time?

hey, a ps3 can last longer than some relationships :D

knibbsy 4

He wanted advice on how to kill me. My dominance in MW2 on the 360 is much more important than his girl, anyway.

deepfrey 0

Meh, these CoD FMLs are getting boring, and becoming the same.

hellokinky2 0

my advice is learn to play n quit complaining

That's what I did. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

deepfrey 0

anothe is comin out today or the 5th i think but only fer xbox:(

So? a mans function on earth is to play Video Games and spread his seed as far as possible, a womans function on earth is to make sammiches and put out.

Let's hope, for the sake of all, that your seed is physically handicapped and morbidly obese to heighten the chances of it dying before spreading ANYWHERE.