Stretched out

By Anonymous - 30/05/2024 12:00 - Germany - Heidenau

Today, I found out by chance that my rather loose and totally decent yoga pants become completely transparent as soon I bend over and they stretch on my ass. Seriously, who designs these things? Peeping Toms?! FML
I agree, your life sucks 322
You deserved it 320

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wadlaen 23

I'm very sorry for that, at the same time I'd like to know your location, so I can sign up for yoga class!


Wadlaen 23

I'm very sorry for that, at the same time I'd like to know your location, so I can sign up for yoga class!

Probably the same guys who design skirts barely covering preteens’bottoms.

This is at least the 50th reason I refuse to wear yoga pants. Don't let the name fool you - they are not actual pants. And whoever designed the flesh colored ones should be strangled with them.