
By whyyyyy - 17/05/2020 23:00

Today, after months of dating, I finally saw my boyfriend naked. Turns out he has a micropenis. I assured him that I like him for who he was and that we could explore other things. He said no, because oral and sex toys are "immoral." FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 786
You deserved it 481

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he can't compromise, leave his selfish ass.

icalledhisname 12

I’m dumbfounded. It makes no sense that he thinks vaginal sex is okay and oral isn’t. Sometimes I just don’t understand people. Okay, a lot of the time, not sometimes.


tounces7 27

Good-*******-bye to him then.

Months dating and he didn’t ask for a bj or a handy at least?, that’s to me hella suspicious and know we know why

randybryant799 20

I'm sorry but you need to say bye bye. And not because of the penis size. Because he refuses to explore other ways of intimacy.