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By Anonymous - 30/12/2015 15:21 - Canada - Aurora

Today, my girlfriend gave me my first ever blowjob. It felt like she was skinning my dick alive with her teeth. I had to pretend to finish myself off in the bathroom and tell her it was because I didn't want her to have to swallow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 170
You deserved it 5 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just tell her to be more careful. Laying off with the teeth isn't gonna hurt her feelings. Or at least it shouldn't.

justcommenting19 19

Why didn't you tell her how to do it right? If it's her first ******* too how is she supposed to know how to do it right?


Just tell her to be more careful. Laying off with the teeth isn't gonna hurt her feelings. Or at least it shouldn't.

Agreed. If you don't tell her what you like and don't like, she won't know to change anything.

I guess it's just hard to do if you feel your GF does not have much self confidence. but definitely the right thing to do.

Talk to her about it. It will be for the best for both of you. If she's done it before to other guys who said it was good (and probably lied about it), just let her know that everyone is different and this is the way you like it.

In general the best thing to do is to give positive reinforcement whenever she does something you actually like. A few "That feels really good" type comments will quickly help her pick up on what feels good to you.

FalconWhitaker 20

Agreed. Communication! If you can stick your genitals in her mouth, you can tell her what does and doesn't feel good for you.

justcommenting19 19

Why didn't you tell her how to do it right? If it's her first ******* too how is she supposed to know how to do it right?

Baguette666 12

If the "first" one was great I would've questioned myself ^^

Exactly. That goes for any sexual act, ask for what you want. It doesn't have to be harsh be like "that feels good BUT this feels even better" and your partner will understand your body without feeling bad about it. Communicate! (:

I think if she had blown a million guys she would have a long list of STDs with checks in the boxes next to most.

I hate when people lie to spare their partners feelings. Relationships are about communication. You're just depriving yourself of a good time if you don't tell her

Yeah I agree and it's a push towards the right direction. It's better if she knows earlier rather then later so she doesn't get a bad habit.

your profile picture goes perfect with what you said

It was actually OP's first bj, not hers. Let's cut him some slack, maybe he didn't know how to correct her. That can be an awkward thing for someone new to anything sexual

Or you could have told her to change what she was doing and she would probably have happily complied? If she's willing to blow you, she's willing to listen to you and adjust to make you happy. That's how a relationship works

Guy gets teethy ******** from girlfriend. Pretends to finish himself off in bathroom to spare her feelings.

ey I'm from ontario too. my first bj was like that too. but I told her to lay off the teeth. except I hurt her feelings cause I said " are you a beaver?" she said no so I said so stop skinning my ******* wood there's deffs better ways of saying it

That was the weirdest comment I've read for quite some time. #6 please sit down and chill

With that attitude then you probably deserved some teeth on your dick.

Mathalamus 24

everyone has their first time sometime. maybe she will improve in the future, if you tell her.

Well, that's a first a man not wanting to finish getting a *******

I think if it's hurting him, he wouldn't want to finish.

Or maybe instead you could have let her know? She's never going to improve if she doesn't know she's not doing it properly, you're just making it worse for you in the long run.

At a time that is not set time, please explain gently what really happened!

If you can't tell her what you like and don't like it is your own damn fault.