
By Anonymous - 26/07/2011 14:05 - United Kingdom

Today, the only thing that managed to get me out of bed was scrambling to watch my neighbours have a screaming match in the middle of our street, about which one of their brain-dead kids spray-painted "CUNT FLAPS" and a rudimentary knob on the communal garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 860
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3

So, what are you waiting for! Go join them!!!

or, you know, you just happen to be denser than a brick of osmium and your brain lacks the ability to properly process words longer than two letters in length.


They gotta stop letting their kids watch RWJ...

not sure how this is an FML. probably not great having a penis on your door but you're not the one cleaning it. if you're saying you're lazy, well, YDI?

azballa 1

why would they write **** flaps then draw a dick?

fromthesuck 8

well where the hell do you think the dick is supposed to go?!

badass243 6

woulda ben funnier if it was your car

stormracer101 5

Oh, what fun! that would be the highlight of my day too. FML