
By Anonymous - 26/07/2011 14:05 - United Kingdom

Today, the only thing that managed to get me out of bed was scrambling to watch my neighbours have a screaming match in the middle of our street, about which one of their brain-dead kids spray-painted "CUNT FLAPS" and a rudimentary knob on the communal garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 860
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3

So, what are you waiting for! Go join them!!!

or, you know, you just happen to be denser than a brick of osmium and your brain lacks the ability to properly process words longer than two letters in length.


iJasper 8
Catcherchick94 0
fromthesuck 8

you sir are a trolling knob

mommyof5 3

r u kidding!!!!! ur life doesnt suck!!! thays awsum!!!

BeautifulDemonKP 4

That useless bit of flesh around a ******. Oh no, my mistake, thats called a woman

I was going to give you a definition, but that would mean you'd miss out on a very educational afternoon's browsing through the internet if you didn't Google it.

mandypandypants 4

i dont understand why this is an fml. i would have love to seen that. Free entertainment there. it would have been an fml if they spray painted that on your house.

that sounds worth getting up for. :0)