
By Anonymous - 26/07/2011 14:05 - United Kingdom

Today, the only thing that managed to get me out of bed was scrambling to watch my neighbours have a screaming match in the middle of our street, about which one of their brain-dead kids spray-painted "CUNT FLAPS" and a rudimentary knob on the communal garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 860
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3

So, what are you waiting for! Go join them!!!

or, you know, you just happen to be denser than a brick of osmium and your brain lacks the ability to properly process words longer than two letters in length.


UK doesn't really narrow it down.. though this person is obviously unemployed and has a communal garage so its likely south or east london. Bloody Chavs!

maddehsaurr 0

see the u in neighbors ? that means somewhere in England.

YDI for not explaining the story clearly..,

or, you know, you just happen to be denser than a brick of osmium and your brain lacks the ability to properly process words longer than two letters in length.

iEatGuppies 0

how the **** does OP deserve it for not explaining the FML right? maybe it's just you that couldn't read it right, I mean really? are you ten? and this happened before he submitted the FML and he deserves it cause your a 10 year old dumbass who doesn't comprehend well? you sir, have achieved level dip shit.

green_eggs_and_h 0
0utlawed 0

to find your culprit check who has **** flaps. I'm thinkin Arbys!

shift_love 13

the roast beef folds. yep. pink meat factory.

shift_love 13

oh also. "it's good mood food!" lmao

0utlawed 0

**** good mood food, kfc had the best slogan for this. FINGER LICKIN GOOD!

saIty 17

Should have recorded and posted on YouTube. I would have subscribed to see what your crazy neighbors will do next.

Sukismama 2

I thought they were called meat I jus pictured it so eww

If their kids are brain-dead, I'm surprised that they can even stand to spray paint words and a picture.

Calm down Captain Pedantic, it's a figure of speech.

I'm aware, and I like that nickname. It has a nice ring to it.

Thank you, I was going to go with alliteration, but I thought Private Pedantic didn't adequately convey quite how pedantic you were.

Well, it's not like they wrote "labia majora" and drew an anatomically correct longitudinal section of an erect phallus, is it?

78- 2 things: first of all, I agree, it's not pedantic, it's more taking the figure of speech seriously, and 2, what's the difference between regular attention getting and ridiculous attention getting?

a doorknob. one of those children is the next edgar degas (but with a different paint medium and apparently a downie or an autstic) and was working on his/her still life. everyone was impressed by the detail of the knob, and they were all wondering which one of the children was using the moniker "**** flaps" so as to properly praise said artist for their work.

I get woke up by my neighbors all the time, it sucks whatever the reason. Why didnt they just Check their kids hands for spray-paint.. it was probally all of them... their probally not bright enough to scrub it off.