Support system

By lynn - 17/02/2010 06:30 - United States

Today, I found out my cousin - who suffers from bipolar disorder - shot herself in the chest and has only a 20 percent chance of living. I told my boyfriend, while crying, and he held me for a few minutes. As soon as I got quiet, he pulled out his iPhone and started playing a shooter game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 298
You deserved it 4 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend probably thinks people respawn in real life like in CoD.

naww that's pretty sad :( if he did it on purpose I think he deserves a punch in the face . but maybe it was a coinsidence :o


shredshred 0

at least he comforted you. can't really expect him to care about someone he doesn't know

LauraTheKiwi 0

ra ra ah ah aaaah romaaaa roma ma *sing* OP, your boyfriend isn't too much of a good boyfriend, is he? :

drewrox 0
bernhard92 0

okay one thing in my head? why the **** did some one with bipolar have a gun in the first place?! like seriously WTF

Yulia_fml 0

what a stupid view of things. dump him and get someone who cares? You don't think that OP was a part of the whole "boyfriend stops caring about girlfriend" process? People don't stop caring for no reason. When there's a lack of connection, things like this start to happen. It'll happen with the next boyfriend she has unless the level of communication changes.

I'm sorry about your cousin! what a gayshit of a boyfriend!