Support system

By lynn - 17/02/2010 06:30 - United States

Today, I found out my cousin - who suffers from bipolar disorder - shot herself in the chest and has only a 20 percent chance of living. I told my boyfriend, while crying, and he held me for a few minutes. As soon as I got quiet, he pulled out his iPhone and started playing a shooter game. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 298
You deserved it 4 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your boyfriend probably thinks people respawn in real life like in CoD.

naww that's pretty sad :( if he did it on purpose I think he deserves a punch in the face . but maybe it was a coinsidence :o


lampemw 0

And then you pulled out your iPhone and posted it on FML.

smashleighfig 0

OP im so sorry. My prayers are with you & your family. I hope your cousin is alright and makes it through, and gets her bipolar disorder under control. As for the boyfriend, rid of him. Anyone that unsensitive should be left alone to play with their toys. You can do better.

your cousin deserves it for being an sad excuse for a human being. I hope she wakes up paralyzed.

Kylias 6

I know who the cousin is i went to school with her so **** anyone who said this is fake

grow the f up...... is your bf suppose to fall to the floor sobbing because YOUR retard cuz tried to off herself???

He held you for a few minutes. How long did he need to hold you? Why should he get sucked-in to some drama that he can't do anything about?

Don't forget he stayed next to her. He could have gotten up and walked away.

Ma56nin 0

Some of you need to learn how to think. This is an FML because she told her boyfriend that her cousin SHOT herself and will probably not live, and he is insensitive enough to play a SHOOTING game *which is related... duh) And #164- your are an idiot

stormin972 0

20% is pretty good odds. Winning the lottery is around 1:50,000,000 on an average day.

Everyone who says we shouldn't care about the cousin is pretty stupid. The boyfriend, well, he was just oblivious. The girl who posted this, just stop.

In all honesty, what is your boyfriend going to do? It's not like he can magic grow her chest back together. And 164, it's insensitive, not unsensitive.

See, there is this thing that humans have called "sympathy". It's when something bad happens to some other person, and we think "Gee, I would feel really bad if that bad thing happened to me instead of that other person." So we do things to make them feel less bad, like not play games where you shoot people in front of someone who is sad because a person they loved shot themselves.